Dry Rind Frog

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The Dry Rind Frog is a medium sized deer hair bass bug with a thinner profile than your typical deer hair bass popper.  The Dry Rind Frog casts easier due to being more aerodynamic so it is great for clear water when long casts are required.  The flat body design also makes the Dry Rind Frog a good contender for flat, calm days because it slides and wakes across the surface compared to a loud pop like a normal popper.

The Dry Rind Frog features suede leather legs that dangle and wave when the frog is at rest on the water.  The deer hair body floats and looks like a real frog sitting just half submerged on the surface. 

To keep the Dry Rind Frog floating high and landing softly on the water all day, try applied before your first cast.  Only apply the spray to the deer hair so that the body floats but the legs slowly sink when at rest between strips.

The Dancing Frog is tied on a size 2 hook with a total length of approx. 3.25-inches from the eye of the hook to the end of the legs.  It has a single-strand monofilament weed guard.